Issue #9 was released in November 2018. Its theme was ECHO (替).

"If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Moving, be like water. Still, be like a mirror. Respond like an echo." -Bruce Lee

Returning with our last quarterly issue of 2018, Sine Theta Magazine is excited to announce the official release Issue #9 "ECHO 替"! Featuring interviews with Canadian poet and author Larissa Lai ("Salt Fish Girl", "The Tiger Flu") and London-based writer Hsiao-hung Pai ("Chinese Whispers: The True Story Behind Britain's Hidden Army of Labour"), this issue also emanates with lyrics and visuals crafted by international Sino creators. Works featured include vividly colored photographs from Mischelle Moy, deeply reflexive code-switching poetry from award-winning poet Chen Chen, an intricate pen and ink piece by Juliette Wu, and more! Front cover photo taken by Mischelle Moy, back cover photo taken by Jialong Kang.